Contenda -The Ultimate Sporthorse Sire


After extensively searching Germany, Sweden, France and the UK for the right stallion to import to Australia, Contenda was purchased from the highly respected 4th generation horse breeder Heinrich Tamm of Cuxhafen , Germany.  Contenda was then broken in and lightly schooled by Henrich Gabel of Nesselroden, Germany, before being imported to Australia in June 2005.

Contendas next 18 months were spent under the care of David and Amanda Shoobridge of Revelwood Warmblood Stud. During this period he was the winner at his first young horse dressage outing amongst a very strong field of competitors, scoring straight 8's in the first round and high 70's in the second round. This success was shortly followed by Contenda being named Premium colt at his AWHA stallion licensing, including topping the jumping rankings by scoring 9's for his free jumping technique.

Contenda's first season at stud was in 2005/06 with his first foals being born in 2006/07.

Contenda has displayed excellent fertility with outstanding semen quality both fresh, chilled and frozen. Contenda's foals to date are nothing short of impressive. This was confirmed when a Contenda foal from his first crop, Kitara Top Contenda, presented at the 2007 ACE classification tour was awarded Premium status and named a Stallion Prospect. In the 2009 ACE assessment tour a Contenda colt was named the highest scoring yearling in Australia, whilst another Contenda foal was ranked in the top 10 scoring colts in Australia. This colt went on to be approved as a breeding stallion in 2013 by the AWHA. In the 2014 warmblood horse assessments, all Contenda foals assessed were awarded Elite status with a Contenda gelding being the highest scoring yearling Australia wide.

Contenda crosses very well over a wide range of mares, especially thoroughbred mares. Contenda's foals typically have suspended elastic movements, beautiful heads, trainable and ridable temperaments, a natural talent for jumping and are outstanding types.
Click here to view Contenda's progeny gallery. This is just a small selection of Contenda's progeny but gives the breeder a good idea of what Contenda poduces with different types of mares.

2012/13 saw Contenda's frst crop of foals enter the competition arena under saddle. He has presented winning progeny at the highest age appropriate level in the showjumping, dressage, hunter hack, showing and eventing arena's. See our news page or facebook page for details of some of the winners. Undoubtably, the numbers of Contenda progeny in the winners circles will swell greatly in the next few years as each years foalcrop matures to competition age. 

Since Contenda has been standing at stud we have had in excess of 70% of people who have already bred to Contenda returning one or more mares to him on the basis that they were so happy with their Contenda progeny - we see this as the ultimate recommendation! Contenda, as a sire,has been attracting some of Australia's elite riders and mares. To date Olympic medal winners, Australian representative riders, and owners of Elite level mares have all chosen to breed to Contenda.

Contenda's performance History

Contenda has been an outstanding all round competitor with wins in open dressage, showjumping and of course eventing. In the 2014 season Contenda competed at 2 star eventing with Shane Rose, he either won or was runner up at all his 2 star starts.  

In January 2007 Contenda joined the stable of former Australian Olympic Showjump Competitor and 2006 Australian WEG showjumping rider, Rod Brown, of Kulnara NSW. Rod planned to campaign Contenda initially in the young horse showjumping classes, before bring him on through the grades. Unfortunately due to the EI outbreak and lockdown in 2007/08 Contenda ended up being "locked down" at stud for almost 12 months, thus not being able to prove himself as a young competition horse during this time.

In February 2008, Contenda completed the ridden and showjumping components of his stallion lisencing to become a fully licensed stallion with the ACE group. Contenda scored 9's for his jumping technique and scope and 8.5's for his ridability and performance under saddle. German assessor, Gerd Kunst, after seeing Contenda jumping commented that he would like to take Contenda back to Germany with him!

In December 2009 Contenda  move to the stables of Christopher Burton of Redleaf Lodge ,Wilberforce. Christopher is a very talented rider with the recent highlights of winning Aachen 4 star eventins in 2012 and 2013 a being selected to represent Australia  in eventing at the 2010 Kentucky WEG and in the 2012 london Olympic Games.

Over the 18 months that Christopher and Contenda worked together they were an immensely successful combination. Over their last 12 months together, Chris and Contenda were never unplaced at any competition outing. From 13 competition appearances in either Showjumping or Eventing the pair were awarded 8 first places, 3 second places, 1 third and 1 fourth placing. Christopher competed Contenda up to 1.35m in showjumping and Pre Novice eventing. .

In eventing, Contenda has shown a huge talent for all 3 phases. Contenda consistently scores above 70% in the dressage phase , a clear round in the showjumping phase can always be expected and he shows speed, stamina, endurance and bravery in the cross country phase with his large  groundcovernig stride and powerful jump. 

Olympic Silver Medalist and Contenda's trainer, Shane Rose gave an interview after completing the cross country round at Melbourne 2013 3 day Event on Contenda and said the following

"....he (Contenda) certainly has got the ability to go as far as he needs to go for 4  Star and beyond, he has super super jumping ability, he is great on the flat and he appears to gallop great....he just just gallops and jumps and doesn't get tired near the end of the course"

Contenda is also consistently winning and placing in straight showjumping classes up to 1.35m amongst large quality fields. Contenda's scope and outstanding technique over a fence never goes unnoticed.Contenda's jumping abilty is the quality of a world cup showjumper with many international showjumping judges approaching his rider and commenting that he could be a straight showjumper at the highest level.

Contenda has been awarded the Merit Award, Bronze Medallion, Silver Medallion and the highest possible award the Gold Medallion for performance by the AWHA in only 15 months of competition. This is testimony to his impressive and consistent performance record.

In June  2011 Christopher Burton left Australia to prepare for selection in the London 2012 Olympic games eventing team . We wish him luck and thank him for all his efforts and talent in campaigning Contenda.

From July 2011 , Silver Olympic Eventing Medal winner , Shane Rose, took over the ride on Contenda. After allowing some time for the new partnership to form, Shane and Contenda stepped up to 1 star eventing. Contenda and Shane proceeded to win all their starts that season in 1 star eventing  from large quality fields of seasoned horses and riders.

Due to injury Contenda was forced to spend 2012 resting at his home in Arcadia. After 12 months off he made a full recovery and was 100 % sound and healthy to return to the competition arena.

Contenda returned to eventing training with  Shane Rose in mid February 2013. We did not have to wait long for Contenda to start winning again with Shane and Contenda winning the Pre Novice event at Albury International Horse trials. Two weeks later Shane and Contenda won the 1 star class at Sydney International 3 Day Event. The following month Shane and Contenda placed a very close 2nd at Melbourne International 3 day Event. This was followed by two more wins at 1 star level the following month at the Taworth International Event and Sydney Winter Event.

In late 2013 Contenda entered an Export Approved Quaratine semen Collection Centre. His semen has been collected and frozen for export to New Zealand and the USA. The quality of Contenda's frozen semen is excellent with positive pregnancies already acheived from this semen.

2014 was a great year for Shane and Contenda - placing or winning at every event. Highlights include : Winner CIC2* Albury International Horse Trials, Winner Alltech Equine Advanatge Eventing Series Final at CIC2* level, 2nd place at Scone CNC 2* and Sydney International CIC2* amongst large quality fields of seasoned horses and riders.

In March 2015, Contenda was granted worldwide Hanovarian Licensed Stallion status by the Hanovarian Verband in recognition of his outstanding performance record.

As 2015 progressed it became evident that the injury Contenda sustained in 2011 had come back to haunt him. Although very ready to step up to 3* competition and aim towards possible selection for the Rio Olympic Games in 2016 the injury is such that continued elite level training and competition are highly likely accelerate the damage possibly to the point of no return. With this knowledge and as Contenda's owners we made the heart wrenching decision to retire him from any further competition. We value and respect him too much to compromise his future comfort and longevity. Contenda has had an outstanding competition career and has nothing left to prove. 

Contenda will now stand full time at stud in Arcadia NSW and we will watch on with great pride as his many progeny continue on his legacy.

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Contenda in action