Contenda/Poetry In Motion Pregnancy

You decide

Contenda (imp)

Contendro 1

St. Pr. H 
Calypso II
Bravo Reichsgraf
Ballerina Bolero Black Sky XX
St. Pr Lexa Lugano I
S. Pr. Fliegerpost
Poetry in
Pommery Pik Bube 1
Abora (Absatz)
Donna Prima (Donnerhall)
Flamboyant xx Inceptor XX
Scarlet Flyer XX
Christadorf Ludendorf(imp)

Sire Line: Contenda

Photos above and below are of Contenda

Contenda is the ultimate dual pupose sire. He won his AWHA stallion licensing and since has fulfilled his performance testing to be acredited as a fully licensed stallion.

Contenda has  a very impressive performance record. He has won in straight dressage competitions, been almost unbeatable in eventing up to 1 star and has regularly won and placed in showjumping up to Grand Prix level. Click here for more detail about Contenda and click here to read about his competition updates.

Contenda is proving to be a sensational sire with people choosing to breed back to Contenda time and time again. See Contenda's progeny page for photos of some of his youngstock.

Video footage of Contenda

Dam Line: Wimborne Prada (Poetry in Motion x Flamboyant XX)

Photos below of Wimborne Prada's full brother, Wimborne Prodigy.
Photos of Wimborne Prada coming soon - she looks and moves just like her sire!

Video Footage of Wimborne Prodigy at 2 years old

Dam Sire Line: Poetry In Motion

Poetry in Motion is a stunning stallion who has produced numerous progeny that are already excelling in the showring. His eldest progeny are now started under saddle and are making their mark on the dressage and eventing scenes.

Poetry in Motion's pedigree is full of great dual purpose performance horses such as Pommery ( winner of the dressage phase of his stallion licensing), the great Donnerhall, Salute (sire of Victory Salute, Staccato, Stirling Stilton), PIk Bube 1 and Absatz.

Photos:left to right above: Poetry in Motion, Pommery and below Absatz, Donnerhall
Photos below left to right: Pik Bube, Salute

Dam's dam line: Flamboyant XX/Ludendorf

Wimborne Prada's dam is Wimborne Paris, a full sister to our stallion Remembrance Day. Paris's sire is the prolific Thoroughbred performance horse sire, Flamboyant (sire of Alkyra Flamboyance, Alkyra Elegance, Supernatural... just to name a few). Paris has the refinement of her Thoroughbred sire and the suspension and expression in her movement of her materal warmblood line. Paris's dam is our foundation mare, Christadorf , who is by Ludendorf (imp)(sire of mulitple FEI dressage and eventing horses) out of a Wesuw (imp) mare.

All of Paris's progeny have had wonderful trainable temperaments and been very attractive types.

Photos from left to right: Flamboyant, Ludendorf, Wimborne Paris and Wimborne Prodigy at 3 weeks old

Video footage of Remembrance Day, a full brother to Wimborne Paris