Contenda/Gribaldi pregnancy

Contenda/Gribaldi Pregnancy


Contenda (imp)

Contendro 1

St. Pr. H 
Calypso II
Bravo Reichsgraf
Ballerina Bolero Black Sky XX
St. Pr Lexa Lugano I
S. Pr. Fliegerpost
Paint It black
Keur pref.
Kostolany Enrico caruso
Elite mare
Gondolla II
Gloria VI
Four seasons
Vivaldi Valuta(imp)
Suzerama XX
Christadorf Ludendorf(imp)

Sire Line: Contenda

Photos above and below are of Contenda

Contenda is the ultimate dual pupose sire. He won his AWHA stallion licensing and since has fulfilled his performance testing to be acredited as a fully licensed stallion.

Contenda has  a very impressive performance record. He has won in straight dressage competitions, been almost unbeatable in eventing up to 1 star and has regularly won and placed in showjumping up to Grand Prix level. Click here for more detail about Contenda and click here to read about his competition updates.

Contenda is proving to be a sensational sire with people choosing to breed back to Contenda time and time again. See Contenda's progeny page for photos of some of his youngstock.

Video footage of Contenda

Dam Line: Wimborne Paint It Black

Wimborne Paint It Black is a stunning 16.3hh black mare with 4 white socks who is a spitting image of her famous sire, Gribaldi.

Photos Above of Gribaldi, photos below are of Wimborne Paint It Black at 10 months pregnant and with a 3 day old foal

Video footage of Gribaldi

Gribaldi is a black 17hh stallion by the great Kostolany. Gribaldi was the winner of his stallion licensing in 1996 and under the rider Edward Gal become an international Grand Prix dressage stallion. 

The successes of Gribaldi himself and that of his offspring are too numerous to mention. In recognition of the performance of his offspring the KWPN recently proclaimed Gribaldi a Keur stallion. 

Possibly the most famous of Gribaldi's off spring is the dressage sensation Moorlands Totilas - winner of all 3 dressage gold medals at the 2010 Kentucky World Equestrian Games and holder of the world's highest ever dressage score.

World dressage Champion , Totilas by Gribaldi

Wimborne Paint It Black is out of Wimborne Four Seasons. Wimborne Four Seasons is by the flamboyant dressage stallion owned by Blas Lago, Vivaldi ,who is in turn by the FEI dressage stallion, Valuta (imp).

Wimborne Paint It Black's Progeny to date

Wimborne Constable  - Contenda/Gribaldi

Photos above and below right at 3 years of age, below left at 2 years old Photos by Stride Out Photography

Wimborne Silohouette - Stedinger/Gribaldi