Hollingrove Echo


Hollingorve Echo is a 16.2hh mare by the exceptional showjumping sire, Escudo 1 out of a Donnerhall damline. With worldclass bloodlines like these, Echo represents the opportunity to breed yourself a foal with the potential for both top level dressage and showjumping and of course, the ultimate combination of both disciplines, eventing.

Hollingrove Echo Escudo1


Eiger 1 Eisenherz 1
St Pr Diplomatin Diplomat
st.Pr.Anthene Arkansas Aderlass
Winzerin Woerman
Hollingrove Chandon Donnerheist Donnerhall Donnerwetter
Erika Wenderkreis

Stormy Heiress (TB)

Authentic Heir(TB) Coronation Boy (TB)
Valid (TB)
Maranina (TB) Latin lover (TB)

Gulf stream (TB)


Hollingrove Echo was awarded Head Stud Book status by the AWHA at her mare classification. Echo has produced 4 foals by Contenda to date. Echo's first foal, a bay filly called Wimborne Consort has also been awarded Head Stud Book status by the AWHA and will be retained by the stud to be part of our future breeding program. Echo's thrid foal with Contenda, a brown colt, called Wimborne Classic bears an undeniable resemblance to his sire ,Contenda, and is also being retained as a future stallion prospect for the stud. All of Echo's progeny with Contenda to date have outstanding conformation, dressage quality paces and from those old enough to display it, outstanding jumping ability.

Photos of Hollingrove Echo's progeny

Wimborne Consort  by Contenda


Wimborne Connery by Contenda


Wimborne Classic by Contenda



Wimborne Coronation by Wimborne Confederate


Hollingrove Echo's Sire Line: Escudo 1

Hollingrove Echo is by the 2009 Hannovarian Stallion of the Year, Escudo 1.

Escudo 1 was the winner of the 1994 stallion performance test in Germany. Escudo 1 exhibited phenomenal jumping talent during the stallion test and was awarded a jumping score of 144.90 points. He was described as "jumping like a rubber ball". At age 5 Escudo became Hannovarian Jumping Champion and Vice Federal Champion. In 1996 he won the Hannovarian Show Jumping Championships and in 1997 Escudo 1 was awarded the title of Champion six year old jumping horse.Escudo 1 went on to win several showjumping competitions at "s" level in 1999. In 2009 Escudo 1 was named Hannovarian Stallion of the Year.

Escudo 1 is outstanding in type and conformation, is well muscled and has excellent gaits. 

Escudo 1 is recognised as a superior sire of jumping horses. For many years Escudo 1 has been the most prolific producer of jumping horses in Germany. He has produced internationally successful showjumpings like Enorm, Escobar, El Paso.

Escudo 1 has produced 306 daughters - 83 of whom have been granted State Premium Mare status. 25 of Escudo 1's sons have been liscenced and Earl and El Bundy ( pictured above) winning theri stallion performance tests like their sire.

Escudo 1 is the son of Celle State Champion, Espri, who is known worldwide for producing outstanding jumping horses.

Photos:All are Escudo 1 except lower right photo which is of Escudo 1's lisenced son, El Bundy

Video Footage of Escudo 1 jumping

Hollingrove Echo's dam line: Donnerheist by Donnerhall 

Donnerheist was imported into Australia by Olympic dressage ridder, Mary Hanna. Donnerheist was subsequently sold to Jenny Rapson, who purchased the stallion for Matthew Dowsley to campaign. Donnerheist died from colic at the age of 8 years old leaving only a small number of progeny in Australia. Despite their small numbers Donnerheist progeny have proven to be very successful in dressage with several of them succesfully competing at Grand Prix level. Donnerheists progeny can also regularly be found winning breed classes and mare classifications.

Donnerheist is by the legendary dressage stallion, Donnerhall. Donnerhall was until very recently the most successful dressage horse in the world. He managed like no other sire of his generation to combine success in breeding and in sport alike. in Germany alone he has produced over 77 licensed sons and more than 84 state premium mares as well as competing successfully in dressage at the highest level. To top off a ridden career full with awards and successes, Donnerhall with rider Karin Rehbein were part of the Gold Medal winning team at the 1998 Rome World Championships. As if this was not enough, Donnerhall also placed fourth in the individual rankings. Finishing at the the very top of his sport in 1998 Donnerhall retired from sport to continue his duties as a sire of countless champions to come. On 14th January 2002 Donnerhall passed away at the age of 21 from and acute intestinal toxicopathy. Donnerhall was already a legend in his own time and his progeny continue to shine his light long after he has left us.

Photos above and below of Donnerhall

Video Footage of Donnerhall at WEG Rome 1998